Climate WarriorsOverlay E-Book Reader

Climate Warriors

von Laura Gehl

Fourteen Scientists and Fourteen Ways We Can Save Our Planet

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E-Book (EPUB)Sprache: English
2023, Lerner Publishing Group

ISBN: 978-1-72848-572-0

weitere Formateab 62,91€ 

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Who do you think of when you imagine a climate scientist? Maybe a biologist? Or a chemist? But economists study the climate too!Meet fourteen different scientists who are working to solve the climate crisis and the surprising ways they are doing it. Along with explanations of different areas of science and the many ways scientists are working to save the climate, readers will find tips for how they too can work for change. Climate Warriors informs young readers and gives them the tools they need to make a difference.Author and neuroscientist Laura Gehl introduces readers to these incredible scientists, the projects they are working on, and what inspired them to choose their fields of study. From ecology to civil engineering, computer modeling to food science, we have lots of ways to combat climate change. Along with explanations of different areas of science and climate solutions, find out what you can do to make a difference.

Who do you think of when you imagine a climate scientist? Maybe a biologist? Or a chemist? But economists study the climate too!Meet fourteen different scientists who are working to solve the climate crisis and the surprising ways they are doing it. Along with explanations of different areas of science and the many ways scientists are working to save the climate, readers will find tips for how they too can work for change. Climate Warriors informs young readers and gives them the tools they need to make a difference.Author and neuroscientist Laura Gehl introduces readers to these incredible scientists, the projects they are working on, and what inspired them to choose their fields of study. From ecology to civil engineering, computer modeling to food science, we have lots of ways to combat climate change. Along with explanations of different areas of science and climate solutions, find out what you can do to make a difference.

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